How To Manifest Your Prophecy/Promise -1

How To Manifest Your Prophecy/Promise -1



Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. I Tim 4:14. 


Have you ever had promises, prophecies, words from God? Have they all happened? Today and the next few writings we will be looking at what to do to ensure your promises, prophecies or words from the Lord come to pass.

First, when we have promises, prophecies, words from God, they are all expected to happen. This includes dreams, visions, ideas and direct and indirect words etc. They are God's intention for your life. God is not flippant. He says what He means and He means what He says. He also has all the capacity to bring it to pass.

Interestingly, whenever what God says about us doesn't happen, the problem is never on His side. It is from our side. Let's look at some of what to do to start turning back the tide today.

Don't Be Nonchalant or Neglect

If you want your prophecies to happen, one of the things you must do is avoid nonchalance and carefree attitude to them.  Good prophecies and words are not self-fulfilling. In this scripture, Apostle Paul reminded Timothy whom he had prophesied to and even lay hands on for impartation not to neglect that gift. What could make Paul say this? Possibly because he has not seen Timothy manifesting the prophecy. It is not enough to celebrate the word but  be deliberate in cultivating and nurturing the word, the prophecy. As long as the impartation or the prophetic words are neglected, they could remain dormant and never manifest. It has nothing to do with the folks who laid the hands or the minister of God who gave the prophetic word but everything to do with the recipient.

What are some of the reasons for someone to be nonchalant? There are so many reasons but some of them are expecting the spectacular to happen and it didn’t. Maybe you expected fire to fall as you got the word and it didn’t so you despised it. Another reason could be because you were looking to God for word one word but He gave you something else. The answer you actually need lies in what He gave you. Trust God, trust it and go back to your word.

Prayer Points

  1. Father thank You for Your Word
  2. Father, help me not to neglect my words.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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