8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may [a]be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will [b]achieve success. Joshua 1:8 NASB.
Are you prosperous? By this I mean do you have financial abundance? Specifically, do you have more than enough that you are a major blessing to others? I mean in real monetary terms and not what you are believing in God for.
Before I get deep into the writing of today, I wrote a book called 42 Financial Independence Laws for Christians: What Jesus Taught Me On Becoming Rich During COVID-19 & Beyond. You may be familiar with the book. I wrote this book because I noticed that the majority of the Christians that I see around me are poor. I also discovered some financial truths the Lord taught me, which I use to generate wealth. This passion led me to write the book.
I brought up the book because of the relevance to the scripture verse of today. Many people believe that their financial prosperity is in the hands of God. If it's God's will they will prosper. Else, they won't. Others believe financial prosperity is a function of luck and where the person is born or their parents. All these assumptions are flat out wrong. In fact, there are thousands of examples if not millions in the world that have proven those assumptions to be false.
Before we go too deep. Know this truth. Your financial prosperity is not in the hands of God. It is in your hands.
Let us break down Joshua 1:8 briefly. The last sentence says "...then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will [b]achieve success. You can see that you are responsible for making your way prosperous. So what do you do?
Foremost, our modern day example of the book of the law is the bible. In the bible are all the financial laws or principles to succeed. If you take time to study them on your own day and night and do them, you will be financially prosperous. God guarantees it. If you can’t take time to glean the principles, read and listen to those who have poured in thousands of hours in study to produce resources that could help you and do them.
Speaking of financial laws, one of the financial laws that I see many people abuse is inability to control spending. I mentioned this in my 42 Laws book as the Law of Withholding as found in Proverbs 11:24. This is written in the bible.
Another favorite law for me is the Law of Multiple Streams of Income. God knew that one single income would not be enough because of the ups and downs. Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land. Ecclesiastes 11:2 NIV. I have not met any wealthy individual who doesn't practise these two proven fundamental laws for financial prosperity. I also mentioned mediation, which Isaac also practiced in Genesis 24:63.
Now that you know your financial prosperity is in your hands, are you going to do something about it? May the Lord grant you wisdom and teach you the right steps to take.
Prayer Points
- Thank you Lord for providing me with solutions.
- Lord open my heart to receive what you have for me.
Photo by Dan Cutler on Unsplash