Stop Having A Plan "B"

Stop Having A Plan "B"


“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Mark 9:23.

This is the time to look at your list of the goals and the opportunities you wanted to take advantage of this year. Did you enroll in college, quit your job and started a new business, or became financially independent as planned? How far along are you? What happened to that dream?  If it appears that the year is slipping away again as before with none of your goals  realized, I've got a solution for you. It could be because you are comfortable or have a "Plan B".

| Plan B Fights Your Best Plan |

If you want to break out of negative cycles, overcome persistent struggles that appear inflexible, or reach your desired position in life, having a Plan B would ensure it never happens.  Plan B in these situations limits your ability to reach into the realm of impossibilities to force things to become possible. It retracts after a few painful tries.

| No is Not Acceptable Mindset |

Let me paint a picture. Imagine trapped in a room with a loved one dependent on you in a building engulfed in flames and the inferno approaching rapidly towards you. Then you noticed a tiny opening that led to safety but could only fit your fist. Would you cower and allow the flames to overpower you and your loved one or would you pound, kick and claw and do everything possible to escape? I don't think you would give up after a few painful tries because the opening doesn't appear to be getting wider for you would you? Of course not. Even if you wanted to give up, the fact that there’s no other acceptable option for your precious loved one who is totally dependent on you would make you stubbornly resilient. That's the point.

| Throw Away The Key |

If you agree that you would not allow your dependent loved one to suffer in the hypothetical scenario above, then you could also tap into that strength for your goals. Dreams have a way of fulfilling themselves, and impossibilities become possibilities when our brain knows that we absolutely have no choice or option of backing down. When we lock the door and throw away the key to Plan B, or burn that bridge to comfort, we signal every part of our body to stubbornly refuse to back down. 

| Get God Involved |

Now it even gets better when we get God involved. When we get to a point where we refuse to accept less than God’s original plan for our lives for a particular year, and we choose to pay the price, we will see that  anything is possible if a person believes.

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@Solomon. Thank you very much.

Olaoluwa Abina

Words at the right time. Thank you sir.


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