Strategies for Defeating Your Goliath

Strategies for Defeating Your Goliath


Then David ran over and pulled Goliath’s sword from its sheath. David used it to kill him and cut off his head. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they turned and ran. I Sam 17:51.

According to I Sam 17, which describes the story of the encounter of David and Goliath, there are some similarities and lessons that we could learn from this epic, historic and life changing event and what we as Christians face today.


One of the things we learned is that our opposition, whether human or system, would always be intimidating and with the intent to strike fear. It will be bigger than could be handled by human strength or the individual. The adversary or opposition also would want to make you its slave.

However, the good news for you and me from what we read about David’s encounter with Goliath is that whatever symbolic Goliath you may face, its defeat would lead to greater glory and big rewards for you. Isn’t that cool? The best part is, it is conquerable!

What Should You Do

David has given us the blueprint. A 15 year old (some say) David, was very much less than six feet tall, but defeated an adult man estimated to be over nine feet tall. Below are some of what David did which would also help you and me today.

  1. Speak the Word of Faith convincingly believing that God would deliver you and show up
  2. Speak the Word of prophecy/destruction to the opposition. vs 45 "...I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts."
  3. Remember it's a fight against God, and you are fighting on His behalf. vs 46. " Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head..."
  4. Stand your ground and don't show fear. When lions smell fear they pounce on the prey. They do a sort of showdown contest to see who would cow first. Just like when lions retreat when they see that a prey doesn't show fear and resist them, do the same.
  5. Take action. Move forward and attack the enemy. Don't play defense. vs 48.

Now, that you have received the blueprint, go ahead and eat your Goliath for lunch. You are more than able. God is on your side.

Prayer Points

  1. Father thank you because I can conquer every Goliath.
  2. Father, give me the boldness to defeat the Goliath in my life.


Photo by Attentie Attentie on Unsplash

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@Edawole Timilehin Andrew. Thank you so much for the feedback. I appreciate it.

Ola Abina

@Matiluko Ayodeji Ebenezer. Thank you very much.

Ola Abina

I could releave the event and reflect the lessons because of the simplicity of your presentation. Thank you for what you do in God’s Kingdom.

Matiluko Ayodeji Ebenezer

This is powerful, more grace sir and more insight in Jesus mighty name. I’m so blessed by it.

Edawole Timilehin Andrew

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