Understanding Faith As A Currency

Understanding Faith As A Currency



You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matt 17:20


It is often said that Faith is currency to obtain or do business transactions with God. This is very true. However, beyond this, it is not really expanded on why and how it functions as the currency to transact with heaven or with God.

So how does it work? It could be understood as the relationship between a Father who sets up a custodial account for his kids. He makes a deposit to kick off the account. This is the measure of faith that we were saved. Now with that deposit, you can't attempt to buy an airplane. That is what happens when some people try to use their little faith to obtain big things from God. 

Since faith is a currency, you need to make enough deposits that could purchase that car of your dreams. The disciples were not able to calm the storm because their faith was little (Matthew 8:26). Also, remember that it's not going to be a huge lump sum (your faith deposit) but in the process of time. 

How do you make faith deposits? You make the deposits with constant hearing and studying of the bible. Now, you don't just keep accumulating. You must start spending (your faith currency) at least on what you can afford. Where it's better than the worldly method is that the more you spend, the bigger the interest added to your account. 

So, next time you don't receive answer to your prayers, part of your checklist would be how much faith do you have saved up or used? 

Prayer Points 

  1. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to this truth
  2. My Father, help me to intentionally develop my faith
  3. Lord help me to have an insatiable desire for Your Word.
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

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